RoboPol Commissioned !

RoboPol is a specialized photopolarimeter designed specifically for the 1.3m telescope at the Skinakas Observatory and commissioned in the spring of 2013.

RoboAO Commissioned !

Robo-AO is the first autonomous laser adaptive optics system and science instrument operating on sky.

The instrumentation laboratory at IUCAA is involved in a variety of R&D activities aimed at finding applications for new technologies in astronomy. The three core areas which we specialize on are focal plane array controllers, optical fibres and adaptive optics for astronomy. The lab also has end-to-end design, development and delivery capabilities for both ground and space based instruments. The lab is also responsible for the technical upkeep and development of IUCAA Girawali Observatory(IGO).


Our programmes meet in-house needs as well as span national and international collaborations. Instruments and subsystems designed and built in the laboratory are being used in many facilities in India and abroad such as the IGO, 11m Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias at La Palma, Spain, Palomar 60 inch telescope, Skinakas 1.3m telescope etc. IUCAA is also one of the lead partners of the TMT-India collaboration along with IIA, Bengaluru and ARIES, Nainital. TMT-India is responsible for India’s involvement with the international consortium of institutions in Canada, China, Japan and the US which is building the Thirty Metre Telescope on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii.